Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tuna fishing can cost a lot of money. All the gear and line that you have to replace so often makes it impossible to be able to go when ever you would like. Not to mention gas/oil costs, which can be $60+. If you have a comerical licens which i would like to get this summer its not so bad. A fish can sell anywhere from 3$ a pound to 20$ depending on how much fat the meat has. The more fat the higher it sells.

Friday, January 15, 2010

some giant tunas

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

When you go you have to anchor, But to avoid pulling around 500 feet of anchor line with an anchor at the bottem you need to put a ring attached to a tuna buoy, then you attack the line to boat and drive. WHen you drive away the buoy stays at the top and the anchor come to the top. When it hits the buoy it goes into the ring that the buoy is attached too. It gets stuck and the buoy goes underwater. When it goes down you putt in the buoy. It is very easy because your basicly just pulling in the line and the buoy.
My live well has a 1200 gallon per hour pump running through a 50 gallon live well that overflows through an out flow. I mounted a 1200 gallon blidge pump which is used for getting water out of you boat. When you put i on the back it pumps into the live well. you need one of these pumps because the ones the boat comes with dont pump enough. The water flows out through the side of the boat threw a threw hull fitting.
My boat is a 21' seacraft 2001. Its a pretty stable boat and very fishable when your are tuna fishing. I haven't put in my new swivel rod holders that let the rod spin all around. To put them in i need to support the rod holder with metal plates and 5200 marine glue. I have to cut new holes in the fiber glass to make new spots for the holders.

This X-Mass i got a tuna reel, a Penn international 80. I havent got a rod for it yet but I want to get a short rod aobut 4 feet with a bent butt. The line im putting on is 130 lb test Jenki line.

This is a video of tuna fishing and how to catch them. This is a boat out of Duxbury Ma, and they show how its done.
Tuna fishing can be very boring. you can wait up to 5 hours and not catch anything. I usualy leave the dock at around 1230 Pm because everyone leaves at 530 am and when you get out to stellwagon there is about 100 boats and its impossible to catch fish. If you head out around 1230 you get out t about 1 and since everyone goes at 5 am, when you get out there everyone has gone in. So at around 2 pm there is like 20 boats. When there is less people you can catch more fish because there arnt many boats scaring the fish down.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In order to catch a fish you need to use Special kind of leader that the fish cant really see. Also we color the hooks black with a marker so light cant reflect off and have the fish see. One problem about tuna fishing is the swivel that connects the leader to the main line can be bit off by blue fish sometimes or even chaffed which makes you lose a fish when it gets on.

When we go Tuna fishing, we use live bait. We mostly use pogies, which are around 12" and blue fish which are usualy a couple pounds. when we use them we put them on a kite system that the main line goes through a clip on another rod with is connected to a kite. When a fish hits the line releases from the clip. The reason you use the kite is to keep the baits back out of the water where the hook is. When the bait is on top it splashes around and attracts the tuna. The reason it works so well is because the tuna cant see the hook or line. Another way of fishing is to tie balloons on the line and give about 50 feet of line from the balloon to the bait, this makes it so the bait is swimming around 50 ft down when tuna usualy stay around.
Tuna fishing is very fun, but is very expensive and takes a lot of skill. I got my first boat last year, a 21' seacraft. I had been invited to go other times before and I had caught small ones. They were 120-170 lbs but when I got my boat I wanted to fish for giant. A Blue fin tuna has to be over 73" in order to sell comericaly which we were trying to do. I got all the permits for a comerical licens but we didn't catch any giants last summer. We saw a few jumping a couple times on the backside of the cape, but we didnt hook up.